
Will My Anxiety Ever Stop? What to Do When You're Cycling Like Groundhog Day

Will My Anxiety Ever Stop? What to Do When You're Cycling Like Groundhog Day

Sometimes when we’re caught in the grip of anxiety or panic we start to wonder if it will ever stop. And if we get sucked into the fear we can actually make it worse. Our beliefs about a situation can drastically change our experience of it.

Find out what Groundhog Day can teach us about stopping anxiety in this week’s vlog.

How to Survive an Anxiety Attack

How to Survive an Anxiety Attack

Anxiety attacks suck. Maybe you’ve been there: the sweaty palms, difficulty breathing, the increasing sense that something terrible is about to happen… They’re anything but fun. Maybe it’s because of all the pressure you’re under at work, or that upcoming presentation you have to give, or the prospect of conflict with that person you just can’t face.

When you’re caught in the grip of an anxiety or panic attack, it seems like it will never end and nothing you do will make it stop. In this week’s blog I talk about some tips for surviving an anxiety attack and bringing yourself back down to Earth so that you can get on with your life.

Stress or Anxiety - What's the Difference?

Stress or Anxiety - What's the Difference?

In today's busy modern world, it is not uncommon to hear someone talk about how stressed or anxious they feel. We often use the terms interchangeably, but they are not actually the same thing. Why does it matter you ask? Stop being the grammar police, you say!

The truth is that it matters because the path to relief is different depending on whether you are suffering from stress or anxiety. To learn more, check out this week’s blog to find out the key differences and how to relieve symptoms of each.

You Are Not Broken!

You Are Not Broken!

We are often hard on ourselves anytime some trait or aspect of our being (either physical or psychological) falls outside of the norm or the societal ideal.  Maybe we are not skinny enough (for girls), or muscular enough (for guys), or outgoing enough, or positive/upbeat enough, or mentally tough enough.  We label the non-conforming part of us as “bad” or “broken”, and consequently try to fix it.  But what if it doesn’t need fixing?

In this week’s blog I discuss how we often mis-label certain traits as “bad” or “broken” and then make ourselves even more miserable when we try to fix something that doesn’t need fixing.

What to Do When the What-If's Crawl Inside Your Ear

What to Do When the What-If's Crawl Inside Your Ear

Do you tend to be one of those people who has a hard time sleeping or concentrating because of all the different things that they're worried about? One of my favorite childhood authors, Shel Silverstein described this phenomenon perfectly in his poem about Whatifs crawling inside a young boy’s ear. But the problem is that these what-ifs follow us into adulthood and make it difficult to relax or enjoy what we’re doing because we’re so busy worrying about other things.

In this week's video I will teach you how to handle the What-if's when they crawl inside your ear, so that you are able to sleep or to concentrate or be present and spend time with loved ones when you want to.

Denying Your Authentic Self Might Be Making You Anxious or Depressed

Denying Your Authentic Self Might Be Making You Anxious or Depressed

There are many factors that contribute to someone's experience of anxiety and/or depression.  But sometimes the disconnect between what we think we should do and what we actually want to do can add an unnecessary strain on our systems that results in increased anxiety, and if left unattended, can eventually lead to depression.  

Find out how the disconnect between your Authentic Self and your Social Self might be sabotaging your happiness.

A True Story: 5 Myths About Mental Health That Get in the Way of Happiness

A True Story: 5 Myths About Mental Health That Get in the Way of Happiness

Think you know what someone looks like when they have a mental health condition? Think again! There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about mental health conditions and what they really look like. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I'm going to share some true stories with you to illustrate what struggling with mental health really looks like, what gets in the way of asking for much-needed help, and how treatment can really make a difference.

Discover the 5 myths about mental health that might be getting in the way of your happiness or the happiness of someone you love.