
Will My Anxiety Ever Stop? What to Do When You're Cycling Like Groundhog Day

Will My Anxiety Ever Stop? What to Do When You're Cycling Like Groundhog Day

Sometimes when we’re caught in the grip of anxiety or panic we start to wonder if it will ever stop. And if we get sucked into the fear we can actually make it worse. Our beliefs about a situation can drastically change our experience of it.

Find out what Groundhog Day can teach us about stopping anxiety in this week’s vlog.

Hope During Dark Times for High Functioning Depression

Hope During Dark Times for High Functioning Depression

When we are stuck in the middle of a storm, whether it is literal of figurative, it sometimes seems like the rain will never stop and the clouds will never lift. For people with high-functioning depression, this is often the case.

If you are in the middle of riding out a storm, check on this week’s blog and find out why there is always hope, even in the midst of the darkest storms and what you can do to find hope again.