
Will My Anxiety Ever Stop? What to Do When You're Cycling Like Groundhog Day

Will My Anxiety Ever Stop? What to Do When You're Cycling Like Groundhog Day

Sometimes when we’re caught in the grip of anxiety or panic we start to wonder if it will ever stop. And if we get sucked into the fear we can actually make it worse. Our beliefs about a situation can drastically change our experience of it.

Find out what Groundhog Day can teach us about stopping anxiety in this week’s vlog.

How to Survive an Anxiety Attack

How to Survive an Anxiety Attack

Anxiety attacks suck. Maybe you’ve been there: the sweaty palms, difficulty breathing, the increasing sense that something terrible is about to happen… They’re anything but fun. Maybe it’s because of all the pressure you’re under at work, or that upcoming presentation you have to give, or the prospect of conflict with that person you just can’t face.

When you’re caught in the grip of an anxiety or panic attack, it seems like it will never end and nothing you do will make it stop. In this week’s blog I talk about some tips for surviving an anxiety attack and bringing yourself back down to Earth so that you can get on with your life.

Focus on What You CAN Do, Not on What You Can't

Focus on What You CAN Do, Not on What You Can't

When life gets us down it’s so easy to give into the negative spiral that leads to the couch, Netflix, chocolate, or our beds. It’s easier to focus on what’s not working and what we can’t do, rather than focusing on what we still CAN do. (You can thank our evolutionary negativity bias for that one).

But when we give in to our tendency to focus on what’s wrong, we miss all of the things that are still working, all of the avenues we still have available for digging out of whatever hole we might be in. In this week’s blog, I talk about how shifting our perspective can have huge benefits. And I’ve included an inspirational video of my wheelchair dog to show the possibilities when we choose not to give up.