
How to Survive Holiday Family-Time WITHOUT Losing Your Mind

How to Survive Holiday Family-Time WITHOUT Losing Your Mind

Lots of people don’t feel like they fit in with their family, feel misunderstood, or don’t subscribe to the beliefs that the rest of their family does and as a result end up dreading the holidays with their family.

If that’s something you struggle with, then this video is for you. Learn some concrete tips for surviving holidays with the family WITHOUT losing your mind!

New Year's Resolutions: The Secret to Creating Change that Sticks!

New Year's Resolutions: The Secret to Creating Change that Sticks!

If you want your New Year's resolutions to stick this year, check out this weeks' video to find out the secret to creating lasting change in your life.

I'm going to talk about the biggest factor that most people forget to consider when planning their resolutions, and techniques for overcoming this factor.

Perfection is a Myth that Sets Us Up for Failure

Perfection is a Myth that Sets Us Up for Failure

Do you procrastinate/put off certain projects because you don't know how they'll turn out?  Are you unwilling to call something "done" until it's just right?  Then you might be suffering from perfectionism, and it's probably adding unnecessary stress to your life.   

In this week's vlog, I talk about the dangers of perfectionism and how perfection is a myth that sets us up for failure.

5 Tips for Calming Your Mind When Stress Hits

5 Tips for Calming Your Mind When Stress Hits

Sometimes our minds swirl around a stressful event making a difficult situation even worse, like Chicken Little running around yelling that the sky is falling.  If you are one of those people like me who has an over-active mind, this weeks tips will help you restore calm to your busy, stressed-out mind. 

12 Signs You Have Too Much Stress & What To Do About It

12 Signs You Have Too Much Stress & What To Do About It

Everybody has stress, so why fight it, right? Well, the truth is that there are different kinds of stress, and while a mild to moderate level of occasional stress can help motivate us to get things done, keep us alert when we drive or help us navigate a dangerous situation, there is such a thing as too much stress and it may be affecting you more than you think.