
Fighting Your Sensitivity Only Makes Things Worse

Fighting Your Sensitivity Only Makes Things Worse

Fighting or denying your sensitivity is like swinging a baseball bat at the rain. 🌧

Find out why it only makes things worse. 😭

Why You Say "Yes" When You Want to Say "No"

Why You Say "Yes" When You Want to Say "No"

If you’ve ever caught yourself saying “yes” to something you wish you’d been able to say “no” to, and then feeling resentful later, then this week’s video is for you.

Find out why you might be saying yes when you mean no, and what you can do about it.

The Truth About Making the Holidays "Merry & Bright"

The Truth About Making the Holidays "Merry & Bright"

Tired of doing all the work to make the holidays merry and bright for your family?  Here’s how to have happy holidays without all the stress.  

How to Survive Holiday Family-Time WITHOUT Losing Your Mind

How to Survive Holiday Family-Time WITHOUT Losing Your Mind

Lots of people don’t feel like they fit in with their family, feel misunderstood, or don’t subscribe to the beliefs that the rest of their family does and as a result end up dreading the holidays with their family.

If that’s something you struggle with, then this video is for you. Learn some concrete tips for surviving holidays with the family WITHOUT losing your mind!

How to Help Your Sensitive Teen Manage Back-to-School Stress

How to Help Your Sensitive Teen Manage Back-to-School Stress

Back-to-School can be a stressful time for teens, especially if they are highly sensitive. In this week’s video, find out if your teen has the trait of high sensitivity and what the number one thing is that you can do as a parent to help them manage the stress of back-to-school time.

This Trait Might Explain Why You or Your Teen Feel Like There's Something "Wrong" with You

This Trait Might Explain Why You or Your Teen Feel Like There's Something "Wrong" with You

Many adults and teens who are prone to stress, overwhelm or STRONG emotions end up wondering if "something is wrong with me"... but these symptoms can be easily explained by a completely normal biological trait.

This week’s video explains what the trait is and how to manage it so that you can stop feeling “broken” and start letting your natural gifts shine through!

Your Grumpiness Is Trying To Tell You Something Important

Your Grumpiness Is Trying To Tell You Something Important

Do you ever wake up feeling like Grumpy Cat or Oscar the Grouch?  Well, your grumpiness might be trying to tell you something very important. 

 Check out this week’s vlog to find out what your grumpiness is trying to tell you and what you can do about it. 

New Year's Resolutions: The Secret to Creating Change that Sticks!

New Year's Resolutions: The Secret to Creating Change that Sticks!

If you want your New Year's resolutions to stick this year, check out this weeks' video to find out the secret to creating lasting change in your life.

I'm going to talk about the biggest factor that most people forget to consider when planning their resolutions, and techniques for overcoming this factor.

Stress Relief: How to Stop Being a Slave to Your Busy Schedule!

Stress Relief: How to Stop Being a Slave to Your Busy Schedule!

If you have a hard time slowing down or feel guilty taking breaks to do fun or necessary things for yourself, then you might be a slave to your busy schedule! 

 In this week's video, find out why this is harmful to your health and what you can do to stop!

5 Tips for Combating Holiday Stress

5 Tips for Combating Holiday Stress

Brace yourselves, the holidays have begun! The retailers are in full swing trying to sell us everything our hearts desire and tell us we won’t ever find happiness without the latest gadget or the most beautifully set holiday table. (scoff!)

If you find yourself caught up in all the insanity that sometimes surrounds the holidays, check out this week’s video about tips for combating holiday stress so that you can stay sane this holiday season.