
The Truth About Making the Holidays "Merry & Bright"

The Truth About Making the Holidays "Merry & Bright"

Tired of doing all the work to make the holidays merry and bright for your family?  Here’s how to have happy holidays without all the stress.  

How to Survive Holiday Family-Time WITHOUT Losing Your Mind

How to Survive Holiday Family-Time WITHOUT Losing Your Mind

Lots of people don’t feel like they fit in with their family, feel misunderstood, or don’t subscribe to the beliefs that the rest of their family does and as a result end up dreading the holidays with their family.

If that’s something you struggle with, then this video is for you. Learn some concrete tips for surviving holidays with the family WITHOUT losing your mind!

New Year's Resolutions: The Secret to Creating Change that Sticks!

New Year's Resolutions: The Secret to Creating Change that Sticks!

If you want your New Year's resolutions to stick this year, check out this weeks' video to find out the secret to creating lasting change in your life.

I'm going to talk about the biggest factor that most people forget to consider when planning their resolutions, and techniques for overcoming this factor.

3 Tips for Taming Your Inner Critic

3 Tips for Taming Your Inner Critic

Everyone has an inner critic that sits on our shoulder heckling us like Statler and Waldorf (the two old guys in the balcony from the Muppets). In a strange sort of way, it’s just trying to protect us or perhaps to motivate us to do better. But the critic often turns out to have the opposite effect. If we take that critic too seriously, we can end up feeling down and demotivated.

In this week's vlog I talk about 3 tips for taming your inner critic before it gets out of hand.  So, if you have a strong inner critic, try these simple tips to ease the critic’s grip so you can get back to feeling confident and capable again.

Increase Your Happiness By Letting Go of Judgments

Increase Your Happiness By Letting Go of Judgments

Sometimes our brain’s ability to make snap judgments is incredibly useful for our survival, not to mention our ability to navigate our day without dedicating endless hours to evaluating every situation before making a well-informed decision. But sometimes our tendency to hold onto judgments can trap us and leave us feeling miserable and focusing on the negative.

Learn how to increase your happiness by letting go of judgments and accepting what is actually happening using these 3 simple tips.

How Checking Out Hurts Us & What to Do Instead

How Checking Out Hurts Us & What to Do Instead

We all have the desire to check out sometimes: watch a couple shows, scroll through our Facebook feed, forget about whatever is stressing us out for a while. This is a completely normal urge. But if we’re not aware of why and when it’s happening, then it might be doing more harm than good.

Next time you feel like checking out, try checking in with yourself instead using these three simple questions.