
The Truth About Making the Holidays "Merry & Bright"

The Truth About Making the Holidays "Merry & Bright"

Tired of doing all the work to make the holidays merry and bright for your family?  Here’s how to have happy holidays without all the stress.  

Your Grumpiness Is Trying To Tell You Something Important

Your Grumpiness Is Trying To Tell You Something Important

Do you ever wake up feeling like Grumpy Cat or Oscar the Grouch?  Well, your grumpiness might be trying to tell you something very important. 

 Check out this week’s vlog to find out what your grumpiness is trying to tell you and what you can do about it. 

Stress Relief: How to Stop Being a Slave to Your Busy Schedule!

Stress Relief: How to Stop Being a Slave to Your Busy Schedule!

If you have a hard time slowing down or feel guilty taking breaks to do fun or necessary things for yourself, then you might be a slave to your busy schedule! 

 In this week's video, find out why this is harmful to your health and what you can do to stop!

5 Tips for Combating Holiday Stress

5 Tips for Combating Holiday Stress

Brace yourselves, the holidays have begun! The retailers are in full swing trying to sell us everything our hearts desire and tell us we won’t ever find happiness without the latest gadget or the most beautifully set holiday table. (scoff!)

If you find yourself caught up in all the insanity that sometimes surrounds the holidays, check out this week’s video about tips for combating holiday stress so that you can stay sane this holiday season.

Perfection is a Myth that Sets Us Up for Failure

Perfection is a Myth that Sets Us Up for Failure

Do you procrastinate/put off certain projects because you don't know how they'll turn out?  Are you unwilling to call something "done" until it's just right?  Then you might be suffering from perfectionism, and it's probably adding unnecessary stress to your life.   

In this week's vlog, I talk about the dangers of perfectionism and how perfection is a myth that sets us up for failure.

Why Prioritizing Yourself Isn't Selfish

Why Prioritizing Yourself Isn't Selfish

We so often go above and beyond when it comes to other people, but forego our own needs until they get so loud we can't ignore them anymore.  For many of us, if we treated our vehicles with the same philosophy we treat ourselves, we'd end up broken down on the side of the road in need of a tow truck.  Why do we do this?  Because terms like "self-care" are often equated with selfishness or self-indulgence.    

But what if I told you that's not what self-care is at all?  This week's vlog talks about how prioritizing yourself is actually an act of service, no only for yourself, but also for everyone else who depends on you.  And it will help you stay in it for the long haul, rather than ending up a hot mess on the side of the road.  

How To Manage Stress Calmly Without Making Things Worse

How To Manage Stress Calmly Without Making Things Worse

If you are a human being living on this Earth then you know that avoiding stress completely isn't a realistic goal.  But what we can do is make sure that we get through it with as little pain and suffering as possible.  In this week's vlog, I'm going to talk to you about how to handle stress calmly without making things worse, so that you can spend your time and energy doing what you really love, rather than wasting it on worrying or stressing! 

So, if you tend to be one of those people like me who has a very busy mind that runs around like Chicken Little screaming that the sky is falling, then this video will show you how to face stressful events in your life more calmly without all the fuss.

5 Tips for Calming Your Mind When Stress Hits

5 Tips for Calming Your Mind When Stress Hits

Sometimes our minds swirl around a stressful event making a difficult situation even worse, like Chicken Little running around yelling that the sky is falling.  If you are one of those people like me who has an over-active mind, this weeks tips will help you restore calm to your busy, stressed-out mind. 

12 Signs You Have Too Much Stress & What To Do About It

12 Signs You Have Too Much Stress & What To Do About It

Everybody has stress, so why fight it, right? Well, the truth is that there are different kinds of stress, and while a mild to moderate level of occasional stress can help motivate us to get things done, keep us alert when we drive or help us navigate a dangerous situation, there is such a thing as too much stress and it may be affecting you more than you think.